Working times

Let’s have a look into how to keep track of the working times of your crew. The LockitScript App will give you different options on adding working times to your production report – this makes it easy to adapt it to the local working regulations of different countries.

Add the standard times

Navigate to “Report Input” by pressing the tab at the bottom of the app on the right-hand side. Now, press on the little clock icon at the top to switch to the “Work Times” view.

At the top, you add the general timing for the shooting day that is valid for the whole crew.

Go ahead and add the time of Crew Call, First Shot, Wrap, and End of Work: just tap each field to easily add each time.

To add breakes … hey, where are you going? … tap the little plus icon (+) on the right-hand side next to “Breaks”. You can add as many breaks as you like.

Usually all departments have a break at the same time, so the selection “All Departments” should for most cases.

Sometimes departments have special breaks that also need to be mentioned separately in the production report. Then create a new break (+), press the “All Departments” field and select select the respective department. 

Additionally you can:

  • name the breaks to have a better overview (empty field)
  • Add start and end times
  • Add the time for “First shot after break”

People count and specific work times

Let’s continue with the departments that you want to add to the “People Count” or “Work Time” section of your production report. As always, you are free to add any department (“+ icon”).

To add departments to the production report, simply press the respective slide controls of either “People Count” or “Work Time” or both (left hand side).

You are also able to delete departments by pressing the trash icon, but as always, we don’t recommend deleting things. It affects the whole project! Plus, deleting is not needed: if you don’t want to include a department in the report, just don’t activate it.

Once you’ve activated the people count you can add the people count that make sense and that you want to see in the production report.

When you activate the “Work Time” switch the app will by default enter the “Crew Call” and “End of Work” time that you entered above. Now you can specify work times for certain departments of choice. In the example, the general working day is 08.00 AM - 18.30 PM. And we e.g. set the Set Designers work times to 03.00 AM - 13.00PM (they might hate us now).

You should find out which department’s working hours need to be recorded (some departments might be paid per day/or even project – instead of per hour): best clarified up front!

Also, you can add work times of departments without mentioning them under people count.

One detail important in regard to work times: if a work time carries on to the next day, you will get an error warning (see example). What you need to do in such a case, is adding a +1 (day) to the end-time.

All of the input, especially what happens when you activate the side controls on either the left-hand side or right-hand side, makes most sense when you have a look at the production report.

Apart from “Used Material” all entries shown left are the results of what we just did:

  • Crew”: People count of all the departments we added.
  • Timetable”: Department specfic work times and working hours (minus the break(s)).
  • Shooting time”: General work times and working hours (minus the break(s)) of everyone else.

Being the hard working person that you are, you are probably already thinking about the second shooting day.

For planning the second day, there is a neat function that we want to bring to your attention: the “copy function”.

With the copy function, you can copy all the input from the previous shooting day to the next one. You find it in the top right-hand corner. Go to your second shooting day and try it out!


Last but not least, let’s go to settings. Click on the “wheel icon” on the top right-hand side and open the settings view. Here, you have three options of ordering your departments:
  • In-App”: Order of that slide-control area that you saw in previous examples.
  • Crew Count”: Order of the “Crew” section in the production report.
  • Work-Times”: Order of the “Timetable” section in the production report.

Done! Congratulations, you are now able to plan and track people count, working times and working hours for your shooting days.

Off you go to the next chapter, young padawan! Rest later you must!